Corporate Governance
Civitas Law is managed by the Management Board. The Board consists of three to five members of Civitas Law. The members of the Board are elected at the General Meeting of Civitas Law. Each member of the Board serves as Chair for a period of six months. Management Boards are re-elected every 18 months. The Chair passes between all three members of the Management Board on a six month cycle.
Management Board
Management Board – Nicholas David Jones
Management Board – Joanne Williams
Management Board - Dan Dyson
Management Board – Kate Parker
Management Board - Owain Rhys James
Chambers Office Manager
Chambers Office Manager - Marie Durbin
The Chambers Office Manager is responsible for all elements of financial management alongside managing facilities. The Office Manager reports directly to the Management Board.
The Clerking Team, Client support Team and Administration comprise the staff at Civitas Law.
The head of clerking is the Senior Clerk.
Senior Clerk – Sandra Harvey
The senior Clerk is responsible for the clerking of barristers in Civitas Law and is the manager of the clerking team
Clerks – Matthew Goodwill, Danielle Smith
Members of Chambers
Members of Chambers carry out the following specific functions:
Head of Pupillage – Owain Rhys James
Treasurer – Richard Cole
Library Officers – Member of Chambers
Equality and Diversity – Lucy King
A full management board diagram can be downloaded.