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Isabelle Knight

Year of Call: 
Isabelle Knight is praised for her ‘analytical mind and logical approach to complex issues’. ‘Isabelle is incredibly thorough and diligent in her preparation, offering helpful strategic advice to secure the best chances of success. This carries over into her advocacy, in which she can concisely and confidently guide the judiciary to the heart of an issue.’ - Legal 500, 2024
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Areas of Expertise

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Personal Injury

Isabelle has gained a wide variety of experience in personal injury representing both Claimants and Defendants at both fast track and multi-track level.


She also has experience dealing with claims under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme.


Isabelle has experience of advising on liability in many areas of personal injury, including negligence, occupier’s liability and employer’s liability including stress at work claims. In addition, she has wide experience advising on quantum. She has experience of dealing with claims involving allegations of fundamental dishonesty.


She is willing to accept instructions on a CFA basis where appropriate.


Isabelle has also prepared and delivered seminars on fundamental dishonesty and interim payments.


For further information please contact our clerks, who will be able to help you with any questions.
+44 (0)2920 375020